Sedation Dentistry
Sedation Dentistry
Anxiety can hinder you from getting the healthcare you need. Our sedation dentistry techniques and caring team is here to calm nerves and create a positive dental experience.
The benefits of sedation dentistry
Many people feel nervous about having dental work done, especially more invasive or involved procedures. One solution for easing this anxiety is sedation dentistry. Being sedated during your procedure allows you to be calm and relaxed throughout the entire process. We administer sedation with a small cover over the nose flowing with Nitrous oxide. Sedation during dental procedures is common to help nervous patients feel comfortable and is safe under the care of a dental professional.
What is sedation dentistry like?
Before administering this treatment, Dr. Pitner will review your medical history, take your vital signs, and make sure to select the correct size nasal hood for your face. The doctor or assistant will help you place the hood on your nose correctly and monitor the process to ensure the proper amount of gas is administered. Under nitrous oxide sedation, you will not be asleep but should feel relaxed and not fully alert. After the procedure is finished, you will receive 100% oxygen for 3 to 5 minutes, and the effects of the gas will wear off quickly.
Who should avoid sedation dentistry?
Although nitrous oxide sedation is helpful and safe for most people, it is not recommended for everyone.
Patients who should avoid sedation:
Patients who have a history of respiratory illness, mental health conditions, or substance abuse.
Patients who have methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase or vitamin B-12 deficiencies.
Patients in the first trimester of pregnancy.